Alice Ainslie
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MA Candidate
Biography :
I completed my Bachelor of Humanities in Carleton’s Great Books Program and was fortunate enough to receive a SSHRC grant for my work on Dostoevsky and Hegel. My current interest is in exploring how the Hebrew Bible, when considered as a work of English Literature, can be examined as a polyphonous text.
Outside of school I’m a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces Artillery.
List of Publications
- Ainslie, Alice. “Dostoevsky, Bakhtin, and Hegel Walk into A Bar: Hegelian Dialectics and Dostoevskian Polyphony.” Ipso Facto: The Carleton Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities 2, no.1 (2023): 61-72.
People Type:
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Areas of Interest:
- Russian Literature
- Nineteenth-Century Philosophy