J. Edward Chamberlin
People Type:
- Modernist and contemporary poetry
- Caribbean literature
- Indigenous literatures
- Oral and written traditions
- Stories and storytelling
List of Recent Publications
The Banker and the Blackfoot: A Memoir of My Grandfather in Chinook Country (Toronto: Knopf, 2016)
Or Words To That Effect: Orality and the Writing of Literary History, eds. Daniel F. Chamberlain and J. Edward Chamberlin (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2016)
Horse: How the Horse Has Shaped Civilizations (New York, Toronto and Oxford(BlueBridge, Knopf and Signal, 2006; 2007)
If This is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories? Finding Common Ground (Toronto, Cincinnati and Manchester: Knopf/Vintage, Pilgrim Press, Carcanet; 2003, 2004, 2006). Special Issue on If This Is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories? Journal of Canadian Studies, eds. Ian MacRae and Linda Hutcheon (Fall, 2012).
Come Back To Me My Language: Poetry and the West Indies(Chicago, Toronto and Kingston, Jamaica: University of Illinois Press, McClelland & Stewart, and Ian Randle Publishers, 1993; 1999)
‘Chanting Down Babylon: Innocence and Experience in the Contemporary Humanities’, Educating the Imagination: Northrop Frye Past, Present and Future, eds. Alan Bewell, Neil ten Kortenaar, and Germaine Warkentin(Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015)
‘Franz Boas and the Conditions of Literature’, The Franz Boas Papers, Volume 1: Franz Boas as Public Intellectual, ed. Regna Darnell, Michelle Hamilton, Robert L.A. Hancock, and Joshua Smith (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2015)