- Mississauga (UTM)
Areas of Interest
- Medieval Literature
- Race in Early England
- Early English Studies and Black Marxism
- Medieval Studies and White Supremacy
- Medievalism
- Old English Apocrypha and poetry
My postdoctoral project centers on early medieval England and race, and explores the rich intercultural world of early medieval England. I examine the many contributions of non-white people in early England, despite it often figuring in scholarship as a uniformly white period. Relying heavily on cultural theorist Stuart Hall and post-colonial theorist Dipesh Chakrabarty, I explore both the rich contributions that non-white people made to the culture of early Medieval England from the fifth to the eleventh century. The project not only brings to light archives of race and England that have gone unexplored or ignored, its aim is to contribute to larger conversations about race and the global Middle Ages.
Select Publications
Race in Early Medieval England. Cambridge Elements. Cambridge: CUP, (forthcoming 2020). (co-authored with Dr. Erik Wade).
John the Baptist's Prayer [The Descent into Hell] of the Exeter Book: Text, Translation and Critical Study. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2014.
Edited Works/Journals/Books
"Race, Revulsion and Revolution." Postmedieval. 10th-Anniversary Special Issue, 11.3 (forthcoming Fall 2020). co-edited with Dr. Breann M Leake and Dr. Micah Goodrich.
Contribution to Books
Translation of the Dream of the Rood. Signum Salutis. Cruces De Orfebreria De Los Siglos V Al XII. Ed. César Garcia De Castro Valdés. Oviedo: Gobierno del prinipado de Asturias, (2008): 213.
Articles and Chapters Published and Forthcoming
"Introduction: Race, Revulsion and Revolution." Postmedieval 11.3. (forthcoming, 2020). co-edited with Dr. Breann M Leake and Dr. Micah Goodrich.
"Medievalism and the ‘Flayed-Dane' Myth: English Perspectives between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries," in Flaying in the Premodern World: Practice and Representation, Ed. L. Tracy. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2017.
"What's in a Name? The Past and Present Racism in ‘Anglo-Saxon' Studies," in Yearbook in English Studies (Special Edition): Old English to 1200. Eds. Joshua Davies & Clare Lees, (forthcoming 2022). co-authored by Dr. Erik Wade
"Straight Outta Context: Race and Periodization in Anglo-Saxon England," New Literary History. 52:2 (forthcoming Spring, 2021).
"The Term 'Anglo-Saxon' in Early English Studies and Europe," (forthcoming in SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature). 25: 2021
"The Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Reconstruction and Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts." Digital Medievalist 9 (2015).
"Trial by History's Jury: Examining Æthelred II's Legislative Legacy from AD 993-1006." English Studies 95.7 (Oct. 2014): 777-802.
"Two Remarks Concerning Folio 121 of the Exeter Book." Notes and Queries. 54.3 (Sept. 2007): 207-208.
"Is the Title of the Old English Poem The Descent into Hell Suitable?" SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature. 13 (2007): 73-86.
Online Publications (non-peer-reviewed)
"Black Death" Matters: A Modern Take on a Medieval Pandemic. Medium. (June 2020). A condensed version is avalable on the Historian speaks page.
"Houston, we have a problem:" Erasing Black Scholars in Old English. Medium. (March 2020).
"The Middle Ages Have Been Misused by the Far Right. Here's Why It's So Important to Get Medieval History Right." TIME (Nov. 2019). Co-authored with Professor Matthew Gabriele.
"Misnaming the Medieval: Rejecting "Anglo-Saxon Studies." History Workshop Online, (Nov. 2019)
"Early English Studies ['Anglo-Saxon' Studies], Academia and White Supremacy." Medium. (June 2018).