Romantic Literature
Monday 11 am - 12 pm, Wednesday 11 am - 1 pm
K. Weisman
Brief Description of Course
This course will explore the poetry and prose of British Romanticism (roughly 1780-1832). The Romantic period was a time of intense intellectual, cultural, political and social activity. We will explore its many forms and themes, notably the nature of self, human rights, political revolution, the role of imagination, poetic form, and many others.
Required Reading(s)
Texts by such authors as William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Charlotte Smith, Percy Shelley, John Clare, Thomas De Quincey, Felicia Hemans, Mary Shelley, and others.
First Three Authors/Texts
William Wordsworth, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” “Preface to Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads,” “Expostulation and Reply” and “The Tables Turned.”
Method of Evaluation
- First term: one 900-word paper; one 1800 essay; one in-class test.
- Second term: one 3000 word research essay, one final exam.