Introduction to Creative Writing
Monday 12 pm - 2 pm, Wednesday 12 pm - 1 pm
Instructor Information
A. Basekic (pen name: Alexandra Oliver)
E-mail: TBA
Course Description
This course will introduce students to three genres of creative writing: poetry, creative non-fiction, and short fiction. Students will learn the fundamentals of craft as they apply to these three genres, examine texts by established authors, complete short in-class exercises, and have a chance to discuss each other’s work in a class setting as well as outside of class (optional). Assessment will be based on three preliminary “first draft” portfolios (one for each genre), and one “final draft” portfolio incorporating works from two genres of the student’s choice.
Required Readings
- Classmates’ writing
- Selections from published works in all three genres.
First Three Authors/Texts
Selections of poetry (to be posted online).
Methods of Evaluation
- Poetry portfolio and reflection (30%)
- Creative non-fiction portfolio and reflection (30%)
- Short fiction portfolio and reflection (30%)
- Final portfolio and longer reflection (40%)