Advanced Studies Seminar: The Bildungsroman - Narrative Constructions of Identity
Tuesday 12 pm - 2 pm
A. Jaffe
Brief Description of Course
The Bildunsgsroman is conventionally defined as a novel of development: it is, as this course's title declares, a narrative construction of identity. We will read novels considered classic examples of the genre as well as other possible candidates for membership in it from a variety of periods and contexts, re-evaluating its meaning and that of the concepts that have typically been used to define it ("narrative"; "development"; identity") with the assistance of relevant criticism and theory.
Required Reading(s)
- Bronte, Jane Eyre
- Dickens, Great Expectations
- Shelley, Frankenstein
- Barrie, Peter and Wendy
- Other texts TBA
First Three Authors/Texts
As above.
Method of Evaluation
- Active seminar participation
- Collaborative group work
- Seminar paper
- Term test