UTSC: New Online Resource Puts a Literary Spin on Studying Video Games

August 2, 2023 by The Department of English

Original story posted in The Bulletin Brief

Sonja Nikkila, an assistant professor, teaching stream, in the department of English at the U of T Scarborough teaches the course "Video Games: Exploring the Virtual Narrative" and says it makes sense to study video games like  pieces of literature. She recently teamed up with a group of students for one of six U of T Scarborough projects funded by the Jackman Scholars-in-Residence program to create something to help students and teachers apply narrative theory to video games. They came up with an e-book titled Critical Inventory of Video Game Analysis, which offers a series of frameworks that each make sense on their own but also link to one another, allowing readers to choose their own adventure. Read more by visting U of T News.
